Such beauty in your words and the transmission here… winter has been both nourishing and depleting this year… and I can’t pretend I am not thirsty for the warmer rays of sun to land on my skin. Every glimmer of light we get I feel like I’m lapping up frantically!!! I love winter and yet I am also very ready to unfurl myself now and move towards spring. Your words are tonic always xxx

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Thank you for reading Lauren. And yes you sum it up beautifully, absolutely both truths exist. It can be cosy but it is certainly not the most easeful season. And yes you conjure that need for sunlight on skin so vividly. I always feel as though the transition from winter to spring takes the longest of any seasonal shift and am wondering if the earth needs most time to gather the energy required to move from rest to growth (like we do)...? The other transitions seem more gentle in some ways... anyway, very much here for your unfurling xx

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Lauren, the way you've described this winter as being both nourishing and depleting really resonates. We've had a season of seismic shifts in our family, I honestly couldn't have predicted the way things have unfolded this winter. We miraculously managed to find a new home at the last possible moment. One of the central relationships in my love has shapeshifted, it almost feels like its fallen away altogether which brings its own kind of grief. And yet, there has been so many moments of immense beauty and gratitude.

After a flurry of activity at the beginning of the season we've slowed down over the past couple of months, truth be told I'm only just beginning to feel ready to emerge into spring but the sunshine this morning is just what I needed to venture out into the garden and finally start planting the plants I've been collecting for the past month or so. Nothing says spring like planting seeds, both literally and metaphorically.

Thank you so much for this piece Lyndsay, it was a joy to read as ever and I really relished in the opportunity to reflect on what has been a very demanding, yet deeply fulfilling winter ❤️

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Wow Laura, it sounds like winter has been so intense and deeply layered for you. I am so happy and relieved you managed to find a new home and hope you are settling well there.

Gosh sitting with love and appreciation alongside deep grief also not easy.

I know what you mean regarding a slow spring emergence. I feel as though early spring goes back and forth many times before we reach a more comfortable way to be. How wonderful to have got out in the garden to sow and plant though, I am sure it is not a coincidence that you were drawn out at the most perfect time. Spring sunshine feels so hopeful.

Thank you for reading, sending much love to you, I hope spring starts to feel a little lighter for you xx

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Feb 29Liked by Lyndsay Kaldor

Your post is a gift of noticing, of the things we are grateful for, and I particularly like how you've reflected on the colours of the season - so beautiful.

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Ah thank you Yasmin and yes I’m glad that came through. I feel like we can see everything differently just by noticing. Ah glad you liked my winter palette, it didn’t feel like an obvious one but in the end I just looked for what was there in front of me! Thank you for reading xx

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Mar 1Liked by Lyndsay Kaldor

“Nostalgia and dreams - a time that feels ingrained in my being and yet with shimmers of *what could be* as the year ahead unfolds”. What a gorgeous and magical phrasing of words Lyndsay! So lush! I am going to sit with these words of yours and think about them 💛✨

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Ah thank you for reading Mackenzie and I am glad those thoughts resonated with you, winter does seem to hold a certain magic! I wish you a gentle transition towards spring where you are xx

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Omg can I please come over for tea? Your home looks magical! And I would love to swim in the sea with you 🌊

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Erm YES! I would love nothing more... thank you so much, we are getting there veryyyy slowly but the place has good bones which helps. Oooh yes, feeling very called to wild swimming (perhaps when things warm up a bit more here!) xx

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So beautiful, Lyndsay. Winter feels a bit of a blur when I try to reflect, but your spots have given me lots of food for thought. Highlights would definitely be sun related and bird related. We had some amazing encounters where my fingers were numb with cold but what we witnessed was an awe inspiring distraction. Like hundreds and hundreds of black tailed godwits in Southport (not that we knew until we looked them up!). I'm so here for spring but thank you for inviting us to honour winter.

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Ah thank you for reading Janelle. Yes I can relate to that blur, it took me some time to collate my joys (I will try to do it as a go along next time!). I am glad that the joys allowed you to think of yours and I love the sun and bird related love! Wow, what an incredible sight that must have been (had to look up the black tailed godwits too, they look like great characters!). It's funny, I have really found so much meaning in the appearance of birds this winter. So look forward to hearing more of your ornithologist adventures xx

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I’m reading this in the never ending heat of Indonesia and longing for a real winter. You’ve managed to make me feel homesick for a country that’s not mine.

Also, I adore your tattoo and the stories that come with it. Thank you for transporting me for 5 minutes to somewhere cooler x

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Ah Tansie, I can hardly get my head around the faraway Balinese heat and entirely different way of being right now (though to feel that tropical warmth on my skin would be delicious!). I am glad you were able to get a feel for things, you are always very welcome here :)

Ah thank you, it does feel special and I feel like perhaps it needs some additional flowers to join it somewhere down the line, perhaps a family bouquet of wildflowers?!

Sending love and very fresh, cool air xx

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