Beautiful words, as always. And I’m so glad your daughter is settling into school well, though I’m so sorry you had such a scary-sounding experience with your son. But I’m glad he is better. ❤️ xx

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Thank you for reading Annabel. Yes thank you, it is a massive relief that she is enjoying it so far. I hope your son is doing well too? It was scary, but we were well looked after and thankfully he is much better thank you. Have a lovely autumn equinox weekend xx

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Sorry your son was so poorly Lyndsay, hope he is recovering well ❤️. Your daughter sounds like she is adapting so well to Reception too, the school role playing sounds like it helped with the preparation! I love how you describe September as straddling summer with the colourful flowers, and autumn with the leaves falling off the trees. And how we can take lessons from nature into our own lives too. I started off September full of energy, but this last week that energy has massively dwindled. So definitely feeling that kind of in between energy. Your writing never fails to ground and soothe xx

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Thank you for your kind thoughts Jenna, he is so much better thank goodness. Yes, I am so surprised by how she has taken to school so far (I realise we will have our ups and downs!). I feel so grateful that she is happy there. Although I knew it was a big change, in some ways I underestimated how much of a shift it would be for her and for all of us. Haha, the school role playing was never initiated by me, it was all she wanted to play for months and months… I hope it did help though and that real school lives up to her imaginary one!

And yes I am so in love with this late summer/early autumn time, it feels so rich and beautiful. Sorry to hear you have been feeling exhausted, it is a full on month for sure. I really hope you are able to take some time for yourself this equinox weekend and as we move deeper into autumn xx

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Your poor son. I hope he’s feeling much better and September continues on an upward trajectory.

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Thank you Victoria. He is so much better thank you, and yes wishing you a gentle autumn equinox weekend and rest of September too xx

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Hope your son is back home and on the mend now. Wishing you all a few moments of rest and calm in such a busy-sounding month! 🍁

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