What a beautiful essay Lyndsay, it’s at times almost poetic. Such a delight to read more about these beautiful flowers and the meanings behind them.

Sweet pea in French is literally Pois de senteur which means fragrant pea. Where abouts in France did you get married?

I had 3 flowers in my wedding bouquet Ranunculus, Freesias (my favourites) and I’m sad to say I can’t remember the last one. I’ll see if I can find out the missing one. I got rid of all of my wedding photos after my divorce but now I wish I had kept photos of the flowers.

Perhaps there is a reason I can’t remember the last flower because of what it represents?! xx

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Ah thank you Océane, I’m so glad you enjoyed reading it.

Ooo lovely, thank you for sharing the French for sweet pea, it makes perfect sense! I got married in a Mas outside Uzès, near Nîmes ish. My parents live in a village near there half of the time and I spent much of my childhood/teens there in school hols etc. Where are you from?

I love your flowers, ranunculus are so beautiful, almost impossibly so and I love freesias too. I am glad that you still hold the flowers fondly and yes you’re right, maybe the other flower is meant to be left where it is…? xx

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How lovely that you got to spend many school holidays in France Lyndsay.

I grew up near Paris but my parents are from burgundy about an hour from Dijon and that’s where they live now, in my grandparents old house. It’s a really nice part of France. Very hilly, lovely wines and Crèment, lacs to swim in.

Actually they live really close to we’re the Film ‘Chocolat’ was made. Perhaps you’ve seen it?

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Yes it was lovely and absolutely played a part in who I was growing up I think. And still today…!

Wow your family home where your parents are now sounds so magical. How wonderful to have all of those beautiful things within reach.

Of course, I remember watching Chocolat on a flight to Canada once! It is so beautiful and will always remind me of my mum as I remember her reading the book. I can absolutely imagine the area through the eyes of that very evocative film xx

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Jul 19Liked by Lyndsay Kaldor

I feel like we are experiencing life in parallel gardens reading this post! – the tumble of climbing roses, the wild messy abandon after the rains, and the sweetpea! (mine has just started to bloom – I’m waiting for a few more to open before picking a posy – I’ll post when I do :-). So much beauty in this post – the putting together of oneself after the early years of motherhood – the larkspur as pieces of fallen sky – simple moments, being in flow – being at home. And then the sweetpeas – thank you for bringing them alive for me so much more – the expansiveness, the whimsy, the trust. In many ways they sum up summer for me – not the kind of summer I often have, or think I ‘should’ have, but what, actually I’m learning summer is offering if I take the time to slow down and look…

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Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts Layla. I love the idea of our parallel garden worlds. I am also so excited for your sweet peas to begin their blooming phase and look forward to your pic. Ah thank you for picking out those parts, it is lovely to hear what resonated with you. I really enjoyed thinking more about the form, process and essence of each flower and the meaning of sweet peas that came through was actually different to what I first thought. But as soon as I witnessed their way of being it seemed to make sense and possibly speak to something I need (and possibly others too). I’m glad they are helping you to look at summer through a different lens. I have often felt as though summer should be this high energy thing with all of the light etc but actually I’m finding it is definitely one that requires slowing down to notice, without too much pressure xx

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Jul 24Liked by Lyndsay Kaldor

what really helped me was reading you write about how everything gets a little ragged and wild - it helps to feel in to the season this way I think, I loved that.

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I am so delighted to hear that my wild and free take on summer landed for you. It is certainly my experience in the garden and in how I feel — always slightly/a lot dishevelled!! xx

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Jul 27Liked by Lyndsay Kaldor

Have you seen that Instagram video of ‘how I imagine I will look whilst gardening’ versus ‘how I actually look’?! It made me giggle! So true! X

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Ha no, that sounds brilliant! I will track it down 👨‍🌾 xx

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I so enjoyed reading this blog post and learning more about these beautiful flowers, thank you for sharing. Sweet peas are lovely in Summer and they have such a lovely sent, beautiful photos too! 😊♡

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Thank you for reading Isabella Ann, so glad you enjoyed reading and learnt more about the trio of flowers. Yes the scent of sweet peas is so beautiful, it’s got to be one of my favourite fragrances xx

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Even if you just say the names of the three flowers you can feel something stir in the heart

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Yes I agree, there is something magic within each name. I’m so glad to hear they stirred your heart xx

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Lovely piece. Inspiring as well as uplifting. Really enjoyed reading it.

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Ah I am so happy to hear that Ruth, it means a lot, thank you for letting me know xx

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Jul 16Liked by Lyndsay Kaldor

I loved this post Lyndsay. Very tired this evening so no words, but will return with more tomorrow!

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No rush on words, thank you so much for reading xx

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Lyndsay this is beautiful and I love your flower picks! Sweet peas were my Grandma’s favourite and always remind me of her. I would to grow some one day. Also, thank you for the kind mention xx

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Ah thank you Jenna. I love that sweet peas always remind you of your grandma 🩷 that is so special. And yes do try growing some one day, I’ve really enjoyed the process, each part brings something different to look forward to xx

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That’s wonderful! Unfortunately I’ll have to wait until our cheeky puppy grows out of chewing in the garden, or until I get a front garden 🙈 xx

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Ah yes I can see why a puppy would be a challenge! Also apparently the peas that grow on the sweet pea plant are very toxic so definitely best avoided for now. I feel like I need more details about your puppy though?! 😍

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Yes, I read that sweet peas were toxic. Along with a lot of my other favourites!

She’s a sweetheart called Sky. We rescued her last year after she had a pretty rough start to life, but she’s thriving now. Although she’s almost two, she’s definitely still got that excitable puppy in her xx

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Ahhh I’m so glad you found her/she found you. So glad to hear she is thriving now, she sounds wonderful (but hard work I am sure!) xx

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She’s so lovely, but yes a little cheeky at times!xx

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I forgot to mention, she’s a husky who can be pretty stubborn at times!xx

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Ah wow, I am sure she is a real beauty, huskies are magical creatures! xx

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A gorgeous post Lyndsay - I love how you talk about the meaning of the flowers and what each one means to you personally. So lovely that they were in your wedding bouquet too. I really like what you say about roses being soft and strong at the same time. I love seeing all the different roses on out walk to school and also this week especially noticing all the hydrangeas in full bloom, stunning! You've got me thinking now about my wedding flowers and the meaning of the flowers in them!

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Thank you so much Jenna. I’m so glad you enjoyed reading. And yes it’s funny how they overlap with my wedding flowers. They feel just as at home in a French market or an English garden! And yes I love the contrasts of the rose, the softness and the sharp protective boundaries definitely reminds me of motherhood. Ah your walk to work sounds beautiful, I love noticing the flowers on local walks. And yes would love to know more about the flowers at your wedding! xx

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I love that connection between roses and motherhood too. Just had a close up look at my wedding flowers and there's pink hydrangea, pink roses, purple roses, purple statice, bright pink gerbera, dark purple dahlias and a few more in there - bright pink and purple were my theme!xx

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Ahhh beautiful, I so love your flower oracles, and what a treat to get a glance at your stunning wedding photo! I am feeling really drawn to the sweet pea after reading this, they are like little droplets of magic! Xx

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Thank you for reading L. I was very much inspired by you telling me you enjoyed the flower oracles so thank you for your part in it! And thank you re wedding photo, it’s not a picture I have seen for a while but nice to look back on. Ahh it’s lovely to hear that you’re feeling drawn to the sweet pea, I am loving their unapologetic and beautiful way of taking up space! xx

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