Jun 3·edited Jun 3Author

Thanks for having me here, Lyndsay! I wish you luck with your planting. Mine has been mixed this year, half doing okay, the other half too cold or been eaten by slugs!

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Thank you so much for your generous insights into your creative life accompanied by the most brilliant pictures, it feels like a privilege to have a window into your space and to learn more about you xx

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Jun 7Liked by Susan Earlam, Lyndsay Kaldor

really enjoyed this, susan your work sounds awesome i look forward to reading more :)

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So glad you enjoyed reading! Thank you Emma xx

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Ah thank you!

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Jun 5Liked by Susan Earlam, Lyndsay Kaldor

Great interview, Susan!

We just got back from a weekend in Whitby but didn't go into the abbey because the entrance fee was extortionate.

Love the Bowie print!

Good luck on novel #2!

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It was closed due to high winds when we went so also didnt go in. You can join up, but it depends if youve any of those properties near you. Thanks love!

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Jun 4Liked by Susan Earlam, Lyndsay Kaldor

What a fascinating read, I really resonated with a lot of the ways that Susan needs to work too! And I’m wishing your seedlings so much luck… we have lost so many things to the slugs this year… over night our thriving sunflower seedlings have been destroyed! 😞 xx

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My sunflowers went too 🌻 I've planted some more inside and I'm just figuring out what to do with and when! Thanks for the kind words 🙏🏼

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Oh the poor sunflowers! 🌻 I hope your next collection make it! X

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So glad you enjoyed reading L and that you related to Susan’s ways of working — it feels comforting and good to know that others are often working alongside us in similar ways.

Oh no, I am so sorry to hear about your sunflowers, that’s heartbreaking! Will keep you posted on my sweet peas xx

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Jun 3Liked by Susan Earlam, Lyndsay Kaldor

Thank you for this atelier piece. I love the name atelier. I enjoyed reading this Susan. It just comes across as very real which I like. Of course I love the David Bowie star card too.

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Aw, thank you, Claire! The Star print was a gift from a good friend, I think of her every time I see it 🧑🏼‍🎤✨

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Thank you! So glad you enjoyed reading the generous insight Susan has given into her creative world xx love that Bowie star card too!! xx

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Jun 3Liked by Susan Earlam, Lyndsay Kaldor

I love the collection of artwork on Susan's wall, so colourful and inspiring. Atm I work in my son's bedroom so not exactly inspirational but maybe I could create a little corner with sone colourful postcards/small prints to inspire me more. I hope your plants survive the slugs and snails too, I've never found a way to stop all of my plants being eaten! X

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Hello Jenna! Even if it's just one postcard you can balance up to whilst working it will help. Also another thing I do is have a desktop background that is motivating or inspiring, so every time I open my laptop I'm getting a pep talk from myself!

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Jun 4Liked by Susan Earlam, Lyndsay Kaldor

Hi Susan, oohh I like that idea too, I could maybe create something nice on canva too as a desktop. Thanks for the inspiration! X

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Yes! That's how I did mine 🙌🏼

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Yes I love it too. I think that’s a great idea, you could make a corner very beautiful and inspiring with some small pieces or even a cork board to pin things to? Ahh the slugs and snails! Am sort of trying to embrace their presence in the natural order of things but it is very frustrating/sad when plants you have nurtured get destroyed! xx

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Jun 3Liked by Susan Earlam, Lyndsay Kaldor

That's a great idea with the cork board too, off to look at some colourful postcards on etsy now. Yeah it's hard isn't it when you just want your lovely plants to grow - let me know if you find any plants that they don't like eating! X

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I think geraniums like Roxanne and the like are pretty slug proof! And flower very generously xx

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Jun 2Liked by Susan Earlam, Lyndsay Kaldor

loved this. looking forward to getting acquainted with Susan's work! x

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Thanks so much, Chloe! ☺️

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Thank you for reading Chloe! Ooo wonderful, I am sure there is lots you will enjoy about Susan’s work xx

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So inspiring to read about Susan and her space - which is so lovely. The art, like everyone else has mentioned, is simply amazing! Also, I am deeply inspired by her self-publishing and attention to how she flows through her day. There are messages of wildness and sovereignty coming in to me this week, and I felt Susan’s daily flow as a way of expressing and living from her fullest self. ✨ Thank you Lyndsay and Susan! Loved all of this!

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I am so pleased you enjoyed reading Susan’s interview Liz. Isn’t it a wonderful space, so expressive and the art is just wow. And yes I too love Susan’s approach to her work and the power she finds from self-publishing, also her quest to silence her Inner Critic and move beyond perfectionism. Extremely inspiring in so many ways. I am so excited to hear that you are feeling called to wild sovereignty, this can only be a truly brilliant thing!! xx

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