Jun 5Liked by Lyndsay Kaldor

This was such a joy to read after a break from offline life Lyndsay. Much of my spring has been spent finishing the first module of my psychology degree but in those precious moments in between I’ve managed to sow and tend a thriving fruit and vegetable patch and lots of herbs. Having my hands in the earth as often as possible truly has been a saving grace this season ✨

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Thank you so much for reading Laura and welcome back! Wow, well done you for completing your first module. And how amazing to fill your in-between moments with the soil and growing things. So glad to hear your patch is thriving, it must have felt incredibly helpful to ground yourself with your hands in the earth between your studies xx

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Oh, Lyndsay. This was such a beautiful post. It became a releasing spring ritual for me as I read through all of your memories and experiences and thoughts. I feel as if I have just jumped into summer and this gave me a chance to slow down to relieve and remember my own spring moments. 🪻🫶🏻

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Ah thank you for reading Liz and I am so glad you found it sparked a reflection ritual for you, I found it really useful as there are so many things I could have forgotten. It’s funny how we seem to dance between winter and spring for the longest while but we can launch straight into summer (maybe it’s something to do with making the most of the sunshine whilst it’s there, in London for sure!) delighted you spent some time reliving your spring xx

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May 31Liked by Lyndsay Kaldor

Your small spring stories hold such color, aroma, texture! Love these glimpses. Thank you so much for sharing and inspiring

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Thank you so much for reading and for your comment. Of course, it is a small snippet of life but I am glad to have recorded them and I am delighted that you felt a sensory experience of these small moments! xx

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May 30Liked by Lyndsay Kaldor

Ooo loved reading your small spring stories celebrating all the gifts of this time 💕 magic x

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Ah thank you for reading B. It was such a useful and joyful experience to look back on recent weeks and months to recognise how full they have been with things to treasure. Without this practice I probably wouldn’t have remembered a lot of it! xx

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May 31Liked by Lyndsay Kaldor


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I feel as though we’ve barely had a spring here in Scotland. Winter was so long, which I appreciated for a while because I was wintering myself, but when new growth eventually arrived it was so, so welcome 💫

I’ve been enjoying watching our garden bloom. Everything is beginning to die back now, besides the yellow roses, which have a soft pink tinge to them this year.

My favourite thing about this transition is golden hour. The way the light flickers through the trees on our evening walks ✨

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Yes I can absolutely imagine that winter and its sister winterspring lingered for even longer in Scotland. Despite feeling more comfortable in winter myself this year, we absolutely do need the shift in the light and the changing palette of spring when it arrives (if not before!)

I am so glad you’ve enjoyed seeing the garden bloom and that your yellow rose is still going strong, it sounds magical. Hopefully there will be a second flourish of things to come?

Your evening walks sound beautiful! Golden hour is so special, I have only caught it so far whilst being wrapped up in ‘bedtime etc’ but hope I can immerse myself in it soon xx

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