Feb 5Liked by Lyndsay Kaldor

That is so interesting about Janus and how January is derived from that. I love little bits of interesting trivia! Thank you for sharing Lyndsay and I hope 2024 is everything you hope for and more 💛✨

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Oh good, glad it’s not just me that likes a little historical/mythical gem! Thanks so much to you too, wishing you a gentle and glorious 2024 xx

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This was a beautiful read that allowed me to exhale the previous and to take in the beginning of a new month <3

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Thank you so much for reading Michelle, I am really happy to hear that you were able to take a breath as we move into the new month and it’s very subtle seasonal shift xx

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A beautiful post and photos too. Your guiding words feel lovely - embodied, spacious, joyful - the word spacious always makes e breathe a sigh of relief. I can feel some energy and creativity coming back to me, but still very much in the reflection phase too - kind of feel like I've got one foot still in Jand and one foot in Feb! I love your words here which encompass how I feel:

"To me, it signifies a hint at reawakening and a reemergence whilst nurturing what we have been reflecting on and dreaming of over the winter months."

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This Imbolc and time of midwinter is holding so much potential and really feeling this transition in all its glory. I am 38 weeks pregnant getting ready to deliver my first child. But in addition, my writing has begun to rebirth at this time as well. The creative power that has such potential is so clear and so strong, waiting patiently for its most fertile fruiting time. For now I enjoy the building process in budding. Love that you’re already seeing buds as we’re still getting heavy wet snow in Colorado, US. Love connecting to other reads in these seasonal reflections.

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Feb 3Liked by Lyndsay Kaldor

Loving your choice of words. Especially ‘spacious’ as it’s how I’d like this month to feel ✨

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Ah thanks Sarah! It feels like they were a long time coming in some ways but once I had the time (and space!) to feel into them properly, these seemed to come forward naturally. Wishing you as much spaciousness as possible in February xx

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Feb 3Liked by Lyndsay Kaldor

I really loved this, captured so many of the ways I've felt the past month too

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Thank you Daniela. I am so glad you related and recognised yourself in some of the things I have been finding at the this point in the year xx

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Feb 3Liked by Lyndsay Kaldor

💐⭐️ ohh I loved this piece so much, I removed my advent wreath and replaced it with fresh tulips on the table and will take the dried greens to the countryside when I’ll visit family in early March. But like you, I’m still enjoying the paper stars, garlands and more gentle winter decorations that don’t shout Christmas in my face as soon as I look at them haha. X

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Ooo this sounds like a lovely combination. And I love that you will take your dried evergreens to family in the country, what will you do with them there? Ha yes to the more gentle winter decorations — I really love taking things down gradually and replacing with something else that reflects the feeling in the air. Thank you for reading Carmen xx

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Feb 3Liked by Lyndsay Kaldor

“ Iwant how I live and what I write to be a reflection of my truth — of my curiosities, my experiences and how they feel in my body.” Beautiful! I so admire your trust and patience in process Lyndsay. You have a rare gift to

live this wisdom I think x

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Ah thank you Chloe, so kind of you to say and see that in my intention. I feel like the constant practice of patience was one of the earliest learnings in my motherhood journey back in the early postpartum days, and it continues to unfold each and every day…! xx

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Feb 1Liked by Lyndsay Kaldor

What a beautiful read. So humbled my piece inspired you towards joy. xo - s

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Thank you Stacey and yes your piece really reminded me of the joy I feel when I integrate the pieces of myself and prioritise actually doing the things I love, thank YOU! xx

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Feb 1Liked by Lyndsay Kaldor

I adored reading this Lyndsay. Your words and especially the photos of your stunning home feel full of intentionality and deep connection x

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Thank you for your kind words Emily, so glad to hear you enjoyed reading and that you are able to sense my experience of the subtle shifts in the season at home xx

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Gorgeousness as ever, your words are like balm for the winter months and make me feel lighter about the depths of this season. February feels like HOPE… little glimmers of promise that colour will soon return in flower beds and that even if it’s not warmer the days are longer and that feels welcome, even though I do love cosy dark evenings. A gentle hope is how I feel for signs of spring. The birds sound different in February. xxx

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Ah thank you so much for reading L. I am very happy to have provided even a tiny uplift and inkling of spring-like optimism whilst we are still in the depths! Ah I LOVE that, February is for gentle hope. I couldn’t agree more, and yes they are small subtle signs but I am noticing them more and more each year and I can definitely feel the light lengthening. It has been a real joy to have two afternoons of sunshine this week too, a tonic and a harbinger of good things to come! I also love the dark evenings (especially when going to bed at 830pm after the first wake up!) you’re right, I am sure the birds are singing for the return of the light xx

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Feb 1Liked by Lyndsay Kaldor

hi Lyndsay! January is behind us … we blinked and now it is February! I am not a lover of winter, so February scares me just thinking about the cold, but it also means that we are well into the second semester of the school year for our children, and that means that Spring Break will be around the corner. And I am totally good with that! Loved your calming words, defining this time of year & understanding that the cold is a gift to bring us all inside and be cozy and create! Stay warm & thank you for your words!

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Hi Ellen, it did feel like that, January was a blur in some ways, it was helpful for me to sit and reflect on it to write this post. Yes we still have a way to go and I agree, the cold is not easy but you are right to look forward to spring break in the not-so-distant future! And yes I am very much here for getting cosy and creating when it is cold outside! Sending warm thoughts to you xx

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Feb 1Liked by Lyndsay Kaldor

Thank you for this one Lyndsay. I needed exactly this post, exactly the moment I found it

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Thank you dear Eva. I am so happy to hear it reached you at the right moment. I have loved seeing your Imbolc rituals and look forward to reading your recent post xx

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Ah I’m glad you enjoyed reading Jenna. And yes I feel like that too, even imagining spaciousness feels like a bit of space! Absolutely no rush, we are still very much in winter despite the little promises of spring, there is still time for everything and I too feel still very much in a reflective/dreaming state of mind. Slowly slowly xx

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Ah yes, you really are in the thick of liminality and the cusp of transition, there is so much magic to be found. It is wonderful that you have had a surge of creative energy alongside growing a baby within and are approaching the wildness of birthing, the ultimate creative act! Ah wow, thinking of you in the heavy snow in Colorado. I loved having winter babies for the very natural hibernation aspect, wishing you a smooth passage into motherhood xx

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