May 16Liked by Lyndsay Kaldor

Such lovely musings on the seasons, Lyndsay. The spring experience is so different in Europe compared to the springs of my childhood and large part of my adult life in Australia. The explosion of life is so marked, here. There's a softness that is so soothing. I'm always surprised by the array of flowers that bloom suddenly from the ground, even in forests and fields. Thank you for a lovely read on this sunny Thursday in Finland.

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Thank you for reading Lisa. It is so interesting to hear that your experience of spring is so different in Europe than in Australia, in addition to it taking place at the opposite time of year! I find spring takes a while to move away from winter and then all of a sudden everything softens and blooms, it is incredibly beautiful especially after what feels like a long wait. Possibly an even longer wait in Finland but I am sure is so worth it! And all the light you must have…! Hope you feel some unfurling too xx

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May 22Liked by Lyndsay Kaldor

Love the Emily Brent's quote 🌸🩷

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Ah I love it too, it feels like everything softens in May but there is still potential for more! xx

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nourishing as always. thank you, Lyndsay.

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Thank you for reading and being here Elena 🌿🌸✨

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I really enjoyed this, Lyndsay. It has me thinking about making sure I leave spaces for things to unfurl and 'do their thing'. x

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Thank you for reading Joanna. So glad it led you to think about what can be left alone and the space required for unfurling, something I am always needing to remind myself of! xx

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Love this image of the next chapters carrying all the ones that went before, and the allowing things to take their time ❤️.

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Ah thank you for reading Annabel. Yes it’s something I hadn’t really thought about before, it has either felt like I have needed to step into something ‘new’ or ‘go back’ but I’m realising that it is (hopefully!) possible to bring everything together for the next chapter xx

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I really think it is! At least it seems that way when I look back at my own path. Xx

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I feel such a sense of excitement for your unfurling… and what a beautiful testament to the intentionality and presence you have given to each season… inner and outer. I feel like when we do that we plant our seeds into really well prepared soil and they are far more likely to take root. I’m so honoured to be walking into this season with you as we co create and merge our worlds together. I think May is my second favourite month (first being September) and I love how you speak of it. Grateful for your words always, they always spark something in me xxxx

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Thank you 🩷 and yes really embodying the seasonal cues seems to deepen everything and give me hints of which path to follow. And yes, so very excited to enter a chapter of emergence together, always extremely grateful for you witnessing me. I think it has to be May after September for me too, there is definitely something special about it, the softening alongside the potential I think. Thank you as always for reading my words (and heart!) xx

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May 16Liked by Lyndsay Kaldor

The foxgloves are so pretty!

Being a mother and being a creative are so intertwined, aren’t they? Society wants us to choose one or the other (I operated under that assumption for the longest), but to truly be the best version of ourselves, all the parts that make up who we are, have to be able to shine through 💛 xx

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Yes I seem to have become mildly obsessed with them! And yes you are so right, mother and creative is one and the same in every sense. Yesss we are so often led into separateness, of before and after, of work and life but I am so slowly learning to reintegrate all of the parts of me into something whole for the next chapter. Thank you for joining me as I work it out, I really appreciate it xx

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Lovely! "I am leaning into the energy of fullness as I remember all of the parts of me are of equal importance and deserve to be seen. I am slowly crafting an ecosystem that entwines all of me with the deeper experience of everyday beauty and storytelling as a guiding force." Well said!! I, too, am finding seeking Beauty an everyday essential, which serves to nourish all the parts of my Soul. XO

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