Jun 18Liked by Lyndsay Kaldor

What a beautiful share! I love architecture and design especially when they allows the inside and outside to merge during summer especially. Open big windows, a dream! 🥰 I find English gardens incredibly romantic for some reason and generally get inspired by nature and beautifully designed (yet wild) gardens are my favourite - think the secret garden… ☀️

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Ah thank you for reading Carmen, so glad you enjoyed it. It was fun to immerse myself in the Bloomsbury gardens, I am desperate to visit them all! And yes I agree, I love the idea of indoor/outdoor living and all of the benefits a connection between the two brings. And yes English cottage garden/walled gardens à la The Secret Garden are my kind of magic, I find them so inspiring too. I think you would love Chelsea Physic Garden if you haven’t been. And I believe that The Secret Garden play is currently on at the Regents Park open air theatre, I mean, the dream! xx

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no way, alls sounds so amazing I guess I have a busy itinerary for my short London trip haha (maybe around mid August)

I was gifted a show at Regent’s Park open air 5 years ago and loved it. The exhibit and gardens sound amazing too! Sometimes I do miss London and all the things you can do. ✨

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Jun 26Liked by Lyndsay Kaldor

Oh Lyndsay, what a beautiful read.

My garden is where I head go to decompress and process. It's my oasis for my mind palace to process my work and creativity as a brand strategist and designer. From cutting roses or pottering in the greenhouse I find clarity in my creativeness.

p.s Have you been to Marianne North Museum in Kew Gardens? It's a hidden gem.

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Thank you for reading Emma.

I love that you go to your garden to decompress and to process, that completely resonates with me. I always feel a shift there. I love that the act of gardening can allow us to connect body and mind in a simple way that feels therapeutic and grounding, and so often brings clarity.

Wow, I have never heard of the Marianne North Museum and I LOVE Kew Gardens of course. Botanical art? I will certainly aim to get myself there when I can, it sounds wonderful, thank you for letting me know xx

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Jun 26Liked by Lyndsay Kaldor

An amazing lady who travelled the world solo painting botanicals in the 19th Century


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Such a beautiful exploration. Gardens are mesmerising. It is winter for me and I’m grateful that delicious things are still growing. I’m looking forward to some nasturtium pesto.

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Thank you for reading Lisa. Wow how wonderful that things are still growing in winter for you. I am aware that a lot is happening underground here in winter but we don’t see a lot on the surface. Where are you that you get nasturtiums in winter?! Pesto sounds delicious xx

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I really enjoyed reading this post Lyndsay, reading your words is so soothing.

The Alice Vincent exhibition sounds wonderful, I really enjoyed her book. I can't remember if I recommended it to you before but Victoria Bennett's 'All my Wild Mothers' is along similar lines, I think you'd love it.

Really like the idea of the garden being a healing space and a place of inspiration too. Like you, even just seeing my garden through the conservatory or when Im doing chores in the kitchen can lift my mood - the bright pink roses are in full bloom and the apples on the apple tree are getting bigger and bigger. Your post has really inspired me to appreciate my garden more!

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Ah thank you for reading Jenna, your kind words mean a lot!

Yes the Alice Vincent exhibition was lovely. I am not sure that you mentioned Victoria’s book before, I am sure I would have made a note to order it straight away (as I will now!), it sounds right up my street. Thank you for the recommendation, another one for my towering TBR pile..!

I’m so glad that the ideas of healing and inspiration in the garden resonate with you. I love that you can see your garden through the conservatory and it sounds so beautiful! xx

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Oh I can't believe I haven't recommended it to you before, I think you'll enjoy it, it was a 5 star read for me. The way the author blends her experience of motherhood, creating an apothecary garden and homeschooling her son, I just loved it all.

Gosh yes, my TBR pile is just out of hand now!! But I can't resist a new book.

It is lovely, and I definitely don't appreciate the garden as much as I should!

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Our garden is certainly another room and I love this thought. I love it in the Summer, coffee on the step, washing on the line and even at the end of the day I love toys all over the garden, rocks put in plants, it is well used and loved

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Yes to all of this!! I sometimes have to encourage my winter babies out into the garden but I love spending time with them there, there is always a shift when we are outside. And yes to allowing the ‘messy’ wildness outside, I love nothing more than when they are happily playing in water etc! xx

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This June, I find myself in the midst of a new, budding romance with gardens. Perhaps it all started with the lush Secret Garden we called our home in Florence for 5 days. Nevertheless, there is a dreamy, artistic, historical, wild, feminine mood that seems to be taking hold of me this summer. I long to simply bask in the sun, surrounded by beauty, enjoying simple and quiet moments. And your post enveloped me in exactly that romantic, dreamy mood. What a gorgeous garden you have, Lyndsay. And those doors found wide open - swoon! 🩷

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Oh gorgeous, I am loving this mood and am right there with you! It emerged for me last summer, when all I wanted to do was be immersed in beautiful gardens and I can see how your residency at the Secret Garden in Florence sparked this in you. I agree, I am feeling the same, the solstice is bringing the stillness for me, that magic pause between growth and harvest. I want to be fully IN the summer magic! Thank you so much, yes it is lovely to have the light flood in through the windows and doors xx

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