Apr 21Liked by Lyndsay Kaldor, Lauren Barber

Inspiring and warm, as always, Lyndsay. I just feel such a softness when I read your words. And I love to hear all about how others create their spaces, rituals, and creative endeavors. I write either in bed on weekend mornings or at my desk in our little studio space in our apartment. And, as you know about me by now, always with a candle or two lit. Often with a cup of coffee beside me as well. xx

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Thank you for reading Liz, I agree, I adore hearing how others tend to their creativity. It is such a beautiful series Lyndsay has created here. xx

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So glad you enjoyed reading Liz and it inspired some softness. Yes I am fascinated by spaces and practices interweaved in creativity and loved having Lauren’s insights, especially about tending inwardly too. It’s lovely to be able to picture your working spaces and yes to coffee and candles, always! xx

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I loved reading this: it felt like a warm hug for my soul! My little one is not much younger than Lauren's, so a lot of her experience resonated with me. It's so beautiful to hear the creative rituals and routines that others have woven for themselves: I found myself wanting to step into Lauren's space, she made it sound so nourishing and inviting! Made me think how I can create a similar feeling in my own space (which probably needs to start with shifting the pile of charity shop donations staring at me from the corner...!).

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So happy to hear this Holly, I am beyond delighted it reached you just when you needed it. So lovely that you found resonance with Lauren’s words about the stage of mothering you are in and that they inspired you to think of your space. Have you thought about any little rituals that would feel nourishing to you? Haha I have a similar bag of old clothes etc in the corner of the room that need sorting too, it will happen! xx

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Apr 10Liked by Lyndsay Kaldor, Lauren Barber

It was so fortuitous to have found it in that moment. I love the idea of rituals for me but don't think I have any at the moment... Except for lighting a beautiful candle in my workspace (I save all my bougie White Company ones for this special spot), as a treat to myself when I'm working.

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Ahhh lighting a beautiful candle is such a wonderful way of honouring yourself. I am glad that my words resonated for you - and I truly think that this season of Motherhood calls for micro moments woven in alongside our little ones. It is the only way to not lose ourselves totally I think. I also have just given away a couple of big bags of clothes, as well as selling a few bits on Vinted. I find the process of clearing clutter away so energising. I hope you can find ways of inviting little rituals and sacredness alongside the bustle of life. Thank you so much for reading and commenting. xxx

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I absolutely agree that lighting a candle is a beautiful way to honour yourself and the moment. I once listened to an episode of the Motherkind podcast in my early mothering days and the guest spoke about lighting a candle to ourselves each day in recognition of ourselves within the messy mayhem of mothering xx P.S. I must get onto my donations and Vinted stash asap! xx

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