Jul 6Liked by Lyndsay Kaldor

My home got away from me and very out of hand - you give me something to aspire to 💚

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Ah Bronwen I’m so sorry to hear that and that things have been very difficult. I am glad to hear that my thoughts have helped to give you a renewed outlook. Things are far from perfect over here but I think sometimes even just noticing how we feel in our space is enough and a good place to start xx

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Oh, Lyndsay, I just love the idea of home as a cocoon. It resonates so deeply with me. I’m still enjoying the beginning of my holiday being out and about, but when my holiday draws to a close, I’ll be settling into my cocoon again, ready to rest and nurture my soul and my little family before the busy autumn starts up again.

Hope your July is cozy and warm, if not in weather, at least in your heart and home. ❤️

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Ah I hope you are having a wonderful time out and about holidaying! But yes although home feels different in summer, it is always welcome. And I agree, we need that time to settle into autumn energy. I actually really love late summer for that reason.

July so far has been bright but wet! I think it is set to warm up over the coming days and feels either radiant or heavy and sometimes both, I quite like the contrast in the combination xx

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Have absolutely loved and thoroughly e joyed reading this. Memories of my childhood home, our first home with my partner and now the home we're raising our kids. I always want it to be a safe space for them, a place to be held and nurtured where they can unapologetically be themselves. A place for them to feel free and safe. I see all the things that's wrong with our house, but they see a home, a place to play, cry, to feel safe and have fun.

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Ah thank you for reading and sharing your experiences Natalie ❤️ yes to all of your intentions for the ethos of your home and I love what you say home is for them, so beautiful and true. Home is so much more than the imperfections we see and has the power to leave lasting imprints of safety and wholeness within xx

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Jul 5Liked by Lyndsay Kaldor

Beautiful musings on home Lyndsay. Thank you for sharing ❤️

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Thank you for reading Stephanie, I am so glad you enjoyed reading my thoughts of home xx

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Jul 5Liked by Lyndsay Kaldor

Home is everything! What a beautiful haven

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Yes it is, and it kept becoming more and more as I was writing, and thanks for your kind words. Thank you for reading, I’m so pleased that you are here xx

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Jul 5Liked by Lyndsay Kaldor

Reading your thoughts on what it takes for our children to actually leave the house took me back to the days of extracting Cora from the front door. It used to feel like a comedy sketch. She always needed a lot of extra holding and time to adjust to changing plans.

I’m finding home to be slightly chaotic at the moment. We rent, and we’re shifting and shaping the space as Lowen transitions to his own room, so it feels a little upside down. Sometimes, I wish we were in our forever place, but then I remind myself that home is also a feeling. And I do feel a sense of comfort here 💛

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Ah yes, the transitions often prove to be such a challenge. It often feels impossible until by some miracle we get through the front door…! It’s interesting and reassuring to hear you found similar with Cora.

Yes I totally get that feeling of flux and what with your new studio too…?! That must also be taking up your focus and energy. With children, it is often so much more fluid than you first imagine, my plan is for L&M to share a room for a while but we haven’t quite got to that point yet and it is musical beds most nights…! I absolutely agree that the feeling of home goes deeper than the physicality of a place, that sense of comfort you speak of is everything xx

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This is so beautiful. Home…a safe refuge to return to 🍃

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Ah thank you so much for reading Rachel. Yes that is so it, a place of stability to start from and a place of safety to return to xx

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It is such a joy to see this visual story, as well as the words, and receive your words on home. Creating home is such a joy and it’s taken on a whole new shape since having children. Xxx

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Thank you for reading dear L. I am so glad you enjoyed reading my thoughts on home which continued to evolve as I wrote and I look forward to sharing more. Yes I agree, there is another layer of meaning to home with children and yet, there is also the reality of not getting too attached to ideals! Very slowly getting there and hopefully conjuring the feeling of home along the way xx

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I love these reflections on what home is to children, and the struggle to leave the house could be more to do with them leaving their safely net. A poignant thought.

I’ve been trying to weave a sense of home into this rented house. It’s hard not knowing how long we will be in this house, if it will be a one year home or a 5 years home, but I’ve been decorating the kids room with their home made craft and making mobiles from shells and coral collected on the nearby beaches, to give this place a sense of soul that the stark white (now quite colourfully drawn on) walls, did not create.

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Thank you for reading Tansie. Yes, I find there are good days and bad days but I am certain that the challenges that descend when trying to leave the house have something to do with the shift in energy required to be out in the world.

And yes I totally relate to the dilemmas around making your house a ‘home’ when renting for an undecided amount of time. We rented before this house and it is so hard to know how much time, money and energy to spend on it. I enjoyed making little corners feel special, almost like mini altars. I love how you are telling the story of your home and anchoring it to its surroundings and your life there by bringing in local, found treasures! It is so amazing that you are there xx

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