Apr 6Liked by Lyndsay Kaldor

home is such a hub with young children i think - never before do we spend so much time there! currently 8 weeks postpartum and really enjoying the slow days and watching the seasons turn. lovely words thank you for crafting - i will go back and read the rest of the series! 😊

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So true! I used to think of home as a place to return to but now it feels like the place that everything starts from. Wow 8 weeks postpartum is such a tender time, I hope the fourth trimester is treating you well and you are able to cocoon with your little one as much as you need. Sending love to you and your winter baby xx

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I love the simple ways you have brought the seasons inside. Since moving to the tropics it has been so much harder to live by the seasons in the way that I’m used to. I don’t have a veggie or a flower garden to remind me and the seasonal shifts are so subtle but at the same time so impactful of day to day life. I love noticing the different greens of the jungle outside our window or the growth of the cassava trees our neighbour has planted. Sitting on the veranda and watching the rain beat down as hard as you’ve ever seen while wearing a thicker T shirt is about as cosy as it gets!

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Thank you Tansie. Yes the more simple the better right now I think. It has to feel natural otherwise it’s not happening! Yes I can imagine there is a huge shift within your move to the tropics and the impact on living seasonally. I think I would miss it too although your surroundings sound SO lush and incredibly beautiful. Haha do wrap up warm during your downpours of tropical rain!! xx

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Apr 4Liked by Lyndsay Kaldor

I too feel that awe and wonder for the seasons and home being the wellspring of life and creativity. What a gorgeous series you have created Lyndsay 💛

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Ah it is so beautiful to hear that your life is also so underpinned with home, seasons and creativity. I am so glad you are enjoying these posts about home xx

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Apr 4·edited Apr 4Liked by Lyndsay Kaldor

I love your home and the way you write about it Lyndsay! 🥰 we have a cherry tree behind the house that I can admire from my kitchen table 🌸

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Thank you Carmen! I love that you know this area so well and can probably picture what I am referring to. How magical to have cherry tree in view from your kitchen table xx

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A beautiful read… today as I stepped outside in our garden I looked up to be greeted with faint purple haze covering the top of our lilac tree… and the shoots on our apple tree are getting greener. I adore sitting and watching to see what I see in the garden. Xxx

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Ah thank you my dear. This is very exciting news about your lilac tree and I love that you have one 💜 I am planning to write about lilacs this season, not least because the name is so closely linked to Lila’s name! Also so beautiful to have an apple tree in your garden. I agree, I find observing the garden to be very soothing xx

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Apr 4Liked by Lyndsay Kaldor

Thank you for the cosy read 🥰 I’m often pondering home and seasons (& write about it often). I’m waiting for spring here in Finland. It’s slow in coming so any hints of it from other places are always welcome 🤗

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Thank you so much for reading Lisa, so glad to hear it felt cosy. Ah it’s lovely to hear that you are often thinking (and writing) about home and seasons too, I will check out your publication. Sending all the spring-like goodness your way in Finland. What a long wait you have but I imagine it is incredibly sweet when it finally arrives xx

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Apr 5Liked by Lyndsay Kaldor

🥰🥰 (and I woke to snow this morning so spring will have to wait a little longer… 🤪😩)

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Oh my goodness, hope it is thawing now/soon. Spring will return! 🌸🌷✨

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Thank you for sharing this beautiful walk through the seasonal change in your home! It's made me think about how I can bring spring inside: you do it so artfully.

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Ah thank you Holly. I’m glad it feels that way. To be honest I sometimes feel like I could be doing more to intentionally bring the season indoors but at the same time we do what we can/when we can and I think noticing the unfolding changes (and finding joy in them) is the most important of all xx

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Yes, I've been trying to take my little one out for walks in the local parks to see the seasonal changes. He's a bit young to appreciate it properly now (10 months) but I heard him cooing yesterday as we walked under a blossom tree: which felt validation enough for me! We've been watching the birds playing in our garden and snacking at our feeder, and he seems to enjoy watching that. I've long shied away from seasonal decor as I prefer to keep things minimal, but I particularly liked how you used nature in your home: branches, bulbs, overwintering plants. I feel that's something I could do too :)

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Oooo yes, I so remember this shift when they suddenly start looking outwards. I loved thinking about how they are seeing everything for the first time and how amazing it truly is! Wonderful, I hope you can find a way to bring in the season in a way that feels true to you xx

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