What a beautiful post, I had no idea that the daisy is such an ancient and revered plant. I love that something so mundane and commonplace has such magical significance

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Ah thank you so much Louise. Yes I know, a flower that is so easy to overlook has such a rich history and lots of wisdom to share. So glad you were able to learn of its magic! xx

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Mar 9Liked by Lyndsay Kaldor

Wow, the oracle of the daisy. Thank you for weaving such magic mythology into the crown. I’ve learnt so much here! And your pictures are sublime ☀️✨🌼

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Ah thank you Lori, I am so glad you enjoyed learning about the wisdom and goddess energy of the daisy! Thank you so much for reading xx

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I could have written so many pieces of this, when you said you stopped treating your body like your home, I cried. I’ve been there and pregnancy and motherhood were and are such a door way back into my body. Thank you for sharing and reclaiming your softness, I feel it.

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Ahhh Emma! I am touched that those words touched you, I feel the emotion in that time, and the homecoming too. I do hope I can pass these learnings on to my daughter (and son). And yes this pregnancy and motherhood chapter has been both excruciating and healing, huge shifts that I am sure are still unfolding! It was such relief to allow myself to expand and finally realise the wisdom in the softness xx

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So much wisdom in this and much that resonates with me. Thank-you for sharing x

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Ah I am so glad you were able to find yourself in some of my words, thank you for reading Kelly xx

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A delicious read, Lyndsay! And how wonderful and ancient are is the symbolic daisy 💫

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Ah thank you for saying so Nadja. And yes I loved learning about the daisy’s ancient wisdom, I feel very inspired to learn more botanical history and symbolism! xx

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It really is, do you have a book you could recommend? ✨

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Oh these words and those photos… how beautiful that you have those images of making daisy chains. I absolutely adored this… the message from the daisy… I’m now thinking she needs to be woven into my next tattoo… and your journey to softness… some similarities to my own as you know. Motherhood really has been a return to the body in so many ways. I love the depth you have shared here and am so grateful for bringing it all to us in this beautiful flower crown of magic. Thank you. Xxx

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Ahh thank you Lauren. Yes it’s so funny that I have those moments documented as although lovely, it didn’t feel like particularly a moment to mark at the time (but perhaps it was!) I love that you are considering bringing the daisy into your next tattoo, I feel as though a whole bouquet is necessary! Thank you for reading and seeing me in my journey to a softer way of being xx

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A field of wild flowers tattooed on my body maybe?!? Always a pleasure to read your words xxx

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I had no idea how special the daisy really is. I will be sharing this with my eldest daughter Daisy! I have really lost my way of late and my body has suffered. As I have begun to take the small steps to reclaim my body (home) this post really resonated with me.

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Ah how wonderful, I’m so delighted you will share the daisy wisdom with your own Daisy! I am sorry to hear you feel you have lost your way recently but I’m glad to hear you feel as though you are moving back towards your body feeling like home. Slowing down to find that connection again really can help xx

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What a wonderful piece of writing! Thanks for sharing the story of the daisy - makes me wonder why I’d never stopped to find it out for myself?! And re ‘bad habits’ - I heard that inner voice so much when my babies were tiny. It was a critical voice passed down the generations through my own mother and i had some internal arguments with it for sure. But I always trusted that lying down with them, embracing them in my physicality, wasn’t ‘spoiling’ them. It was what they needed. Even now at age 10 my son still sometimes wants nothing more than a mummy cuddle. And I am beyond happy to give him that 🫂

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Ah thank you Vicki. I’m so glad to hear you enjoyed learning more about the daisy, I know what you mean, I had never really thought to look further into their story before now.

Thank you for sharing your beautiful experiences from early motherhood. And yes, those beliefs are handed down, I sort of assumed I would have a certain approach based on stories I had heard but intuition and a primal instinct for closeness have been far stronger than anything I had read or heard. I love hearing that your 10 year old still needs mummy cuddles, long may it continue! xx

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So beautiful, Lyndsay. What a gorgeous reflection on the power of the softness of the daisy and how you have found your own power in the softness of your life. Completely inspiring, my friend!

I have found that I see my journey to becoming who I am, my journey to softening and blooming, as a great unfolding spiral. I often feel as if, through the seasons, I travel a labyrinth moving inward and then outward and then inward again. Always learning and returning and becoming all along the way. But, stopping to remember the daisies that guide me and bloom on my path is not something I have done very much, though daisies have always been my favorite flower.

I will most definitely pause and soak in the power and wisdom of the daisy more intentionally now. Thank you for that reminder, sweet you. xo

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Thank you for reading Liz and for sharing your thoughts. And wow I love that your journey is spiral-like and seasonal, it resonates with me deeply. More so now than ever before when I was operating in a more linear way. I love that you continue to learn, return and become. I find that the unfolding and softening often comes down to a remembering of the different pieces of myself.

I love that daisies have always been your favourite and hope that you now have some more reasons to love them and soak them in. Much love to you dear Liz xx

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I restacked it because all women need to read about how fragile we are even if we feel strong and also there are other ways to feel again your inner-self when you haven’t experienced motherhood…I wish you could write a Part 2 on how not to fall back into old traps…thanks for sharing with us such deep feelings…

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Thank you so much for reading and sharing my words. It is funny that the strongest I was physically (with a lot of intense exercise/training) is probably when I was most fragile (breaking bones etc). Now I am softer I feel more strength in many ways. And yes there are many ways back to ourselves, it’s a continuing process for sure. And yes thank you for the idea of a part 2, it’s important and I will think on how I can weave it in xx

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Such a delicate and strong weaving of words, I loved learning about Freya when I was pregnant, I felt connected to her.

Loved learning about the daisy and her history.

Your words about children not knowing the societal expectation of beauty but sensing us and having our bodies as their home, really hit touched me 💚

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Ah it is amazing how we find the goddess at the right time — I am happy you found her in your pregnancy. I am glad you enjoyed reading about the history and magic of the daisy too. And yes, it felt like a small yet profound realisation at the time, that the accepted ideals are very much a construct and that our babies’ perception of us transcends that entirely, thank you for sharing xx

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Mar 8Liked by Lyndsay Kaldor

This was gorgeous Lyndsay! 💛✨

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Ah thank you Mackenzie 💛 I am so looking forward to reading your words about your grandmother, very much bookmarked! xx

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Thank you for sharing your journey with us. What really gets to me is this society that has been built where you have to fight against the norm to take time to care for your body and self.

I have at times been thrown from my path, but it has almost always been the plants, Mother Nature herself who has guided me back to myself. 💛

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Ah thank you for reading Tansie. Yes, its true that what has become socially normal is often at odds with our biology/natural way of being and we have to keep remembering to come back to ourselves. You are so right, Mother Nature allows us to find home within Her and ourselves. I always feel a huge shift in the way I am feeling as soon as I step foot in our local ancient woodland, the purest medicine xx

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