"When we experience the Beautiful, 

there is a sense of homecoming".

John O’Donohue.

Hello I am Lyndsay, I am so glad you have found your way here…

I wanted to share a bit more about me; why I write and what you can expect as a very valued reader…

My background is in Public Relations in the interwoven sectors of interiors, design, art and architecture. Telling stories and having conversations about spaces and the people who make them was at the heart of my role — this fostered my interest in the details of making a home and the part that our surroundings play in the way that we feel. 

This, coupled with a transformative yoga teacher training in 2016 which taught about the importance of daily rituals in creating sacred space, prompted me to start thethreadjournal.com — an online platform exploring ideas around astrology, interiors, sacred space and homecoming.

Becoming a mother at the beginning of 2020 prompted a great metamorphosis; a time of huge transition that continues to shapeshift and evolve every day. As a new mother (in the midst of the pandemic), I became aware of the power that the mother archetype holds in moulding the energy of the home and how this ripples out to wider society.

Since the hazy early days of mothering, I have found that paying attention to the familiarity of the seasonal shifts and rhythms to be a way to orient myself. We are not separate from nature — noticing the way the light falls, what is growing in the garden and the feel of the air have become my compass.

Living creatively is important to me; I fill the rare quiet moments with words, colour, scent and texture. I write to reclaim space for my thoughts, to explore and learn more about the things I am intrigued by —but most of all, to notice, appreciate and tell the everyday stories of our life together, in the hope of framing a fragment in time.

What is Story & Thread?

The name Story & Thread expresses my love of interiors and storytelling. Words hold a place in cultural consciousness and ‘thread’ means so many things, from a yarn to create a textile; a continued theme or idea; an exchange of messages; mindful movement around obstacles; the filament of a flower and even the very fibre of our being (and apparently now a new social media app…!)

Since becoming a mother, I experience the role of my home as more than a place to return to, but a foundation where everything starts from. It is a place to nurture (myself and others around me), a conduit of creativity and self-expression and an anchor to my surroundings, as I observe how the seasons unfold around us. 

My intention is to write regularly on the intersection of creativity, mothering and the living world...

This will take the form of life writing detailing my observations of the everyday; musings on motherhood; deep dives into the elements, the stars and seasons; notes from my experiences of slow home-making and garden-pottering in our corner of North London; and collaborative insights from others via the INSIDER series of interviews about the profoundly personal concept of feeling ‘at home’ and ATELIER, a new collaborative interview series exploring our creative spaces, processes and rituals.

Connection and collaboration have always been the things I enjoy and thrive on most, I am always open to ideas and hope we can share and grow together. If you have an idea of how we could work and create together do send me a message.

Story & Thread. is an invitation to myself and my readers to take up a little more space, to reclaim a connection to ourselves and to our place in the world.

Thank you for joining me.

Lyndsay xx

Story & Thread. is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

Kind words from fellow writers

“Lyndsay invites you into her cozy Substack home with an open heart and so many treasures to share, it's a place I feel warm and welcomed each time I enter and that in itself is the most beautiful gift”.

from A Life of Less with Claudia Wilde.

“Reading Story & Thread is like curling up under a gorgeous, cosy blanket and soaking up inspiration from the fibres. Lyndsay writes ostensibly about home interiors, but in exploring the way we live she also examines how we live, how we build spaces for self-nourishment and for creativity, and how we bring our way of life in line with the seasons”.—

from I am Happy by Allegra Chapman.

Subscribe to Story & Thread.

Story & Thread. is a place to explore my love of interiors and storytelling. It explores the intersection of creativity, mothering and the living world, with a home and a garden at the heart.


Mother, creative and storyteller with a background in interiors PR. Creating a home as a foundation to nurture, a conduit of creativity and an anchor to my surroundings, as the seasons turn in our corner of the world.